Vinyasa Yoga
We’ll be practicing asanas with co-ordination with ujjai breathing, bandhas and dristi. We hold the postures for some breaths to get into the right alignment as well as to breath in the right areas of the lungs to increase the body and breath awareness. It could be practiced from beginners to advanced practitioners as different postures could be given to practitioners according to their practice.
Yoga can be the best practice to offer yourself physical and mental care and love.
After the practice we’ll do a final Yoga Nidra with instructions for a deep relaxation and to feel the stillness and bliss within.
Price: 15-20 €
Date and time:
Sunday, 8th of May 10:00-11:30am
Jeo Varghese has been practicing and conducting transformative healing events around Asia and Italy. His teachings combined with enchant yogic body cleansing practices, eastern spirituality mindful movements, breath-work, cold therapy and pranic healing. His vision is to co-create a welcome and safer environment for practitioners to enter in a state of oneness collectively and experience deeper layers of existence with the tools and techniques from enchant and modern healing practices.
Certified 500 hours YTTC (Alliance International) Santhi yoga international, Kerala. Certified by Prana Vashya yoga shala, Mysore / Ashtanga Sadhana, Mysore / Ashtanga Yogatantra Research School, Mysore / thai traditional massage therapist / Pranic healing advanced level (Kerala pranic healers association)
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